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This project is defined primarily by two architectural ideas. First is the limit of its elevation to the height of the disused rail line, which serves as urban agriculture space for the community to produce food. The second idea is seen in the linear building formations with nodes of poche space at various points throughout. These nodes service non-poche space with circulation, storage, and private space such that the served spaces may morph in their program in order to satisfy the changing needs of the community over time.

These adaptive spaces include urban agriculture job training and general education for non-citizens as they begin their lives in this country. The project envisions a place where these people are supported and nurtured into as they enter a new society. It imagines that the organization running the project would provide a path for non-citizens to gain visas for lawful work.

On a larger scale, this project operates within the framework of the, “agora,” which plays two important roles in the history of civilization, both as a marketplace and as a public location of assembly. In this contemporary interpretation, the marketplace is not bound by monetary exchange but rather as an exchange of goods (food) and services. The program of public assembly becomes the educational and cultural facilities, providing both knowledge and community relations.